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Welcome to HP Dive!

Winter Dive is back and registration is open now-don't delay register now before sessions fill up.

The Highland Park Dive Team strives to promote self-esteem, community spirit, friendship and fun for both our divers and parents.

As a Hurricane diver your child will:

  • Discover a greater understanding of the sport of diving
  • Learn good sportsmanship
  • Experience positive reinforcement for a job well done
  • Enjoy the camaraderie of diving with teammates.

It is not necessary to try out for the dive team, although your child MUST be able to jump off the board and swim SAFELY unassisted to the side of the pool.

The Highland Park Hurricanes compete in the Northern Virginia Swim League (NVSL-Dive) (

There are currently 8 divisions in the NVSL consisting of 47 teams; Highland Park is in Division 4. The NVSL is designed to develop a love for the sport of diving, teamwork and the principles of good sportsmanship.

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Dive Meet Information/Required Dives

Dive Meets

We have five scheduled NVSL Dive meets; three at home and two away. All of these meets officially begin at 6:00 PM, with a warm up practice ahead of time. For home meets, we warm up first so everyone needs to be at the pool ready to get on the boards by 4:00 PM. For away meets, we have their boards to warm up beginning at 5:00 PM. The meets are held on Tuesday evenings.

Specific meeting times will be announced by the coaches (Directions will be provided or are available on the NVSL website (

According to the NVSL we can only have 32 divers compete in a regular meet

The coaches will then determine who will dive in each meet based on the readiness of the diver. We encourage all team members and parents to come and support the team.


There will be four classes of competition for both boys and girls-- The eligibility of a competitor is determined by his/her age on June 1 of the competition year.

Freshmen ............................... 10 and under –A total of 3 dives:

2 required dives: 101 (front dive) and 201 (back dive) and 1 optional.

However, a front or back jump may be used as an optional. 001 (front jump) may be substituted for the 101 (front dive) as the required dive. 002 (back jump) may be substituted for 201 (back dive) as the required dive. 001 and 002 cannot be used as optional dives, and if either is used as substitute required dive, the 101 and 201 cannot be used as optional dives. There is no position specified for dives 001 and 002.

Juniors .................................... 11 and 12 --A total of 4 dives.

2 required 101 (front dive) and 201 (back dive) and 2 optionals, each

from a different group of dives (2 optionals from 5 groups)

Intermediates ......................... 13 and 14 - A total of 5 dives.

2 required (101 and 201) and 3 optionals, each from a different group of dives (3 optionals from 5 groups).

Seniors ................................... 15 to *

3 required (101, 201 and 401) and 3 optional, each from a different group of dives (3 optionals from 5 groups). A total of 6 dives.


When judging a dive, the following shall be considered:

The starting position and approach

The take-off

The technique and grace in the air

The entry into the water

FAILED DIVE: If you have a new diver there is a good chance that at some point he/she may fail a dive.

A Failed Dive is an incomplete dive or the wrong dive and counts as zero points. The Referee declares a failed dive and instead of the announcer reading judges scores he/she will say "Thank you diver."

Some of the more common reasons for a failed dive are:

  • The diver did not do the dive that was written on their meet sheet
  • Not having their hands or head contact the water first on head first dives
  • Not having their feet contact the water first in feet first dives
  • Two consecutive balks on a single dive
  • If in the opinion of the referee the diver received assistance such as a call out on a somersault dive
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